Partners & Associates

Sue Hartley

A child is walking along a beach. She sees a star fish washed up on the shore, picks it up, throws it back into the sea and says “I made a difference to that one”.
Making a positive difference, albeit on an individual basis, is what inspired Sue to become a coach. Here, she shares more about her work and approach…

I started my career in the corporate world. I gained an MBA, worked in investment banking and then moved into marketing as Brand Director for Coca-Cola and BskyB. This corporate experience serves me well in my career as a leadership coach, with clients describing my approach as challenging and provocative – yet compassionate. 

I would say my signature style is intuitive, backed up by practical tools and techniques. Often my clients appreciate that we uncover the real issue – what’s actually important and what’s really going on, rather than surface issues they may initially bring to the session.

I love working with high achievers who lack self-belief, or who have imposter syndrome. Those ‘tough on the outside, soft on the inside’ types.

A favourite question of mine to ask is ‘what would you like to be different?’ 

When not working, I love to walk, cycle or practice yoga. I’m also partial to river swimming, although only on hot days. I love food, especially when it’s made by someone else, enjoy ‘reading’ books with Audible, and playing fun games with my children – the more competitive, the better. 

Finally, the causes and charities I wholeheartedly support include Black Lives Matter, Trussell Trust Foodbank, We Are Family, Shelter, World Wide Fund and Surfers Against Sewage.

Certifications and qualifications

  • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) – CTI 
  • Graduate of Corporate Coach U
  • Certified to deliver The Coaching Clinic
  • Certificate in Neuro Behavioural Modelling
  • Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • Certified in Time To Think (Nancy Kline)
  • Certified in MBTI and LAB profiling
  • Member of the Association of Coaching
  • MBA – Cass Business School

Our Coaches

Our diverse team is united by the values that underpin positive psychology. We’ve worked alongside each other for many years, drawing on a wealth of industry experience, skills, compassion and strength.

Together, we are committed to coaching leaders to realise their full potential. In the first instance, you will have an initial matching call with our Founder and CEO Fiona Parashar, who will determine you coaching needs – and the right coach for you.

Fiona Parashar

Fiona set up Leadership Coaching in 2000, driven to use her corporate experience and academic background to make a positive difference to leaders, executives and women in business. Here, she shares her coaching journey, her favourite type of client, and even a few of her guilty pleasures...

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Sharon Charlton-Thomson

If you feel ready to work at depth, Sharon may be the coach for you. Sharon is a Coach/Therapist and has worn both hats for 25 years. She helps clients who want to explore and reshape their leadership ready to meet the challenges of today’s transforming world.

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Dr. Lucy Ryan

Twenty-five years ago, when she was still acting and singing, Lucy suffered from acute stage fright. A coach saved her, guiding her through the fear. It left her intrigued to learn more and marked the start of a long journey into coaching that still inspires her today

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Mia Kennedy

How did Mia become a coach? After being promoted into a big important job and receiving coaching, she thought – ‘man, this is helpful’. And then – ‘this is the job I was made to do’. Here, she shares how her career change has impacted her life – and the lives of her clients.

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Mary Langan

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do you will never cease to grow.” Anthony D’ Angelo

Before becoming a trainer and coach, I spent 20 years working in media companies including 14 years at BBC Worldwide in sales and commercial leadership roles. During all my leadership roles, I was determined that people had the right training and support to enable them to be the best they could be in their roles and to progress.

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Ruth Rochelle

“She doesn’t judge or tell you what the answer should be, but she opens up your mind to the range of possibilities”. This wonderful feedback gives just a glimpse into Ruth’s coaching style. Here, she shares what got her into coaching, and her favourite client to work with.

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Isabel Elvery

Izzy Elvery is former Chief Operating Officer of a leadership consultancy, working with 8 of the top 10 Pharmaceutical giants, and many of the world’s leading and best-loved Fortune 500 brands. She is a business strategist, powerful executive coach and expert in mindset and behaviour change.

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Jackee Holder

An interaction with a brilliant coach in her early career was what set Jackee Holder on her journey to becoming a coach. The mix of questions, and the quality of her listening and presence took her breath away. She realised she wanted to be that person for others. Here, she shares her own coaching path

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